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SYNQ EAS Gates System

SYNQ EAS Gates System

The SYNQ EAS Gates are high-frequency tags that are ideal for larger store exits. Our gates offer a far superior range to anything else in the marketplace. Furthermore, SYNQ’s very own hi-frequency tags are low-profile, discreet, and effective. Best of all, they are produced in Canada.

How SYNQ EAS Gates System Work

Our discreet Hi-Frequency labels are combined with smart camera technology. This unique approach enables us to bring you video of suspicious incidents exactly when our customers need them. In addition, our thermal scale labels are uniquely compatible with all meat and deli printers. Therefore, no labour is required to get your SYNQ EAS system up and running.


SYNQ’s Electronic Article Surveillance tags are compatible with Digi, Hobart, Mettler Toledo, and Ishida meat label printers. This means that getting started is as simple as changing label paper.


For Pricing and Other Questions

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